Exponents, Roots and Logarithms

Exponents, Roots (such as square roots, cube roots etc) and Logarithms are all related!

Let's start with the simple example of 3 × 3 = 9:

3 Squared = 3 by 3 squares = 9 squares = 3 × 3 = 9

Using Exponents we write it as:

32 = 9

When any of those values are missing we have a question, each with a different notation:


32 = ?

is the exponent question "what is 3 squared?":   32 = 9


?2 = 9

is the root question "what is the square root of 9?":   √9 = 3


3? = 9

is the logarithm question "what is log base 3 of 9?":   log3(9) = 2


So when we are stuck trying to solve questions with logs, roots or exponents just remember this!


Another example:

103 = 1000


103 = ?

"What is 10 cubed?":   103 = 1000


?3 = 1000

"What is the cube root of 1000?":   ∛1000 = 10


10? = 1000

"What is log base 10 of 1000?":   log10(1000) = 3